Thursday, April 12, 2012

Swim lesson number 1

Well it happened... I do not quite know what to say about it yet. I was scared but mom kept telling me it would be okay and gave me treats to feel better. I swimmed as fast as I could but was still pretty scared. Mom even had part of the tub where I could touch bottom but still wanted to get out asap. Then my life jacket wanted to come off because I was swimming so fast and I started to go under. That was the worst, but mom picked me up right away and made sure I was okay. So I thought I was done but then she put me back in without my jacket and I actually did pretty good still. Took a lot out of me and I was ready for a nice warm blanket and some cuddle time after that. Mom spoiled me for the rest of the night so I guess it was all worth it. I still do not know if I will like this place called longtail as must as mom but I love going everywhere with her so I know I have to try hard to learn how to swim. Mom is also teaching me how to stand and then she talks about dancing, whatever that is. So much to learn.

this is my... please mom lets not do this look... but it did not work

Ok just got a pep talk I think I am ready... lets do this

yeah not so happy

getting better now that I am all dry

here is my... I made it look... and I want another treat please that was a lot of work. It wasn't so bad now that I think about it. we will see how next time goes. First mom has to fix my jacket so it fits me better, I am just to tiny.
Thank you so much for sharing in this experience with me. It means a lot to have people read my blog. Also a special thank you to my daddy because he means the world to me even if I am glued to mom sometimes I hope he knows I love him just as much, even more then mom when he gives me people food.

                                            ~ ~ ~ BELLA ~ ~ ~

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