Wednesday, June 13, 2012

I am back!!!!!! Safe and sound!!!!

I can't believe mom thought she could write on my blog. I mean yeah so I was gone a few days but she is crazy to think I was not going to find her. I would have walked and walked until I found my mom and dad again. So I suppose everyone is wondering how my adventure went. Mom wishes she had a little video camera on me so she knew what I all was up to on my adventure. No one will really know all the details but I can share some :)

Below is the map. The letter A is where the Howard vet is, I do not like vets they either give me shots or take all my teeth out so I knew I had to go away from that place. The white line is about where I went, I will never tell all my secrets. The red outlining is where mom said everyone was looking for me. She said over 20 people came to help look for me and called my name over and over. I think I must have been to far into my mission to get home to listen to anything at the time.

I found some puddles along the way because I was good and dirty by the time I made it into the parking lot. I must be pretty lucky because they are working on the building that I found near by and the construction worker reported me to the cops. Imagine that I am not even a year and a half old and I am getting the cops called on me. What do ya know little bit later this very nice and wonderful Police officer named Mark found me in the parking lot and kept me company in his police car. I took a nap and then he woke me up. I was like really I have been on the run for three days and you can't even let me sleep, but then Mark handed me over to another person, it took me like 0.004 seconds to realize it was mom and dad. I was so tired but still could not control my excitement. Finally all my hard work paid off. I was taken home in the big blue dodge truck. I got pretty wiggly after we got out of the truck I knew I was home. I ran inside and went right for my water bowl, o how I missed my water. Then daddy got my food ready because he always loves feeding me. That was one of the best meals ever. Next Auntie Charity and mom started picking all these tick things off from me. I did not like that some of them took my fur with them but I felt better after most of them were gone. Then to top off the night as if I did not have enough excitement already I got a bath so all the dirt would wash away and the rest of the bugs came off and I was back to being white again. Here is my videos from my first meal after my adventure.

Well I guess that is about it for now I need another nap. I wanted to say thank you for praying for me I still am so happy I was lucky enough to have people report me so mom could find me again. Without everyone telling her not to give up I think my mom would have been lost and if we both are lost that is never a good idea. Thank you again.

I also heard the good news, mom is taking me to long tail this weekend for a over night sleep over. We are going to hang out in the sun all day then watch the stars at night. Mom is even going to get me a little raft all of my own so I can just sunbath all day. I can not wait to show you these photos and videos, is it the weekend yet.

Talk to everyone soon

now some sad news. I just found out I have to go to the vet, mom wants to get me checked out and make sure I am doing ok, I told her I am perfect I have my soft fuzzy blankets and my mom and dad back but that was not good enough. wish me luck.

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